Key words: MPCVD system; 高纯度单晶金刚石(SCD);polycrystalline diamond(PCD);超纳米晶金刚石(UNCD);光学窗口/optical window;微波窗口/microwave window;high power;purity;uniformity;homoepitaxial growth;高功率电子器件;掺杂、B-doping;N-doping;微波等离子化学气相沉积设备;金刚石单晶;高功率金刚石窗口;拉曼激光器。
我们的微波等离子化学气相沉积设备(MPCVD system)产品特点:
3、独特的能够供给方式,功率:6KW ,35KW;根据不同的微波功率,生长速度可控:5-50 μm/hr。
4、可用于沉积高品质单晶(single crystal diamodn/homoepitaxy growth)、多晶(polycrystalline diamond)、纳米晶(namocrystalline diamond);
5. 用我们的设备可以沉积大面积光学级金刚石薄膜(PCD for high power laser output window and high power microwave window):可达直径8英寸以上,厚度可达几个mm;
也可以进行掺杂研究(for N-dopingP-dopingB-Doping as P-type or N-type semiconductors)
还可以进行多种子同时沉积,进行大规模单晶金刚石生产(Multiple-seeds growth)。
With our MPCVD system, you can grow single crystal diamond (SCD)/ monocrystal diamond which has the lowest inpurity. And you can also grow large polycrystalline diamond (PCD)for high power laser window or high power microwave window, the diameter ranges from 4 to 8’’ or even larger, and the thickness is from 1mm to several mm.